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    What temperature melts brick?
    Non è così semplice! Brick doesn't have a single melting point like a pure substance. Ecco perché:

    * Bricks are a mixture: They are made of clay, sand, and other materials. Ogni componente ha il suo punto di fusione.

    * Melting range: Bricks don't melt suddenly, but gradually soften and deform over a range of temperatures. This range depends on the specific composition of the brick.

    * No universal answer: The temperature at which a brick fully melts (turns into liquid) varies depending on the type of brick.

    In generale, puoi aspettarti che il mattone inizi ad ammorbidirsi e di diventare più deformabile intorno a 1200-1300 ° C (2192-2372 ° F), ma può verificarsi una fusione completa a temperature più elevate.

    If you need a precise melting point, you'd need to know the specific composition of the brick you're interested in.

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