Non tutte le teorie del complotto riguardanti l'Area 51 coinvolgono piccoli uomini verdi (o grigi). Alcuni ruotano attorno a un'organizzazione oscura (o gruppo di organizzazioni) dedicata alla realizzazione del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale. Gli UFO e le storie di reverse engineering sono solo tattiche che queste organizzazioni usano per distrarre il pubblico dal loro vero obiettivo:il dominio del mondo.
Un'affermazione comune alle affermazioni di Lazar e alle teorie di altri appassionati di UFO è un'organizzazione segreta conosciuta come MJ-12, a volte chiamato Majestic o Majic 12. Questo gruppo originariamente comprendeva una dozzina di individui estremamente potenti come il presidente Harry S. Truman, i capi di organizzazioni come la CIA e potenti uomini d'affari. Sono emersi documenti segnalati come appartenenti a questo gruppo, principalmente come scoperte dell'ufologo William L. Moore, compresi i documenti recanti le firme presidenziali. Gli scettici hanno esaminato questi documenti e hanno scoperto molti segni che sono falsi, comprese le firme che sembravano essere copiate da altri documenti ufficiali e incollate sui documenti MJ-12 [fonti:UFO Casebook, dell'FBI]. I teorici della cospirazione denunciano gli scettici come ingannati o come effettivamente impiegati dal governo.
Altri teorici dicono che i documenti MJ-12 sono falsi, ma falsi ufficiali realizzati dal governo per depistare le persone. La maggior parte dei credenti rientra in uno dei diversi gruppi, e spesso ogni gruppo accuserà gli altri di promuovere attivamente la disinformazione per nascondere la verità.
Le teorie più estreme sugli alieni nell'Area 51 affermano che non solo gli alieni sono qui sulla Terra, stanno conducendo lo spettacolo. Apparentemente, il governo degli Stati Uniti ha accettato di consentire agli alieni di rapire le persone a piacimento, sperimentare su questi cittadini indifesi e persino macinarli in una pasta che viene poi spalmata sugli alieni come fonte di nutrimento.
Altri teorici dicono che gli alieni sono qui per usare gli umani per creare una creatura ibrida, poiché gli alieni stessi non sono più in grado di riprodursi da soli. Alcuni offrono speranza con rapporti di sparatorie tra forze governative e alieni, con conseguente ritorno del governo al potere.
" " La cassetta delle lettere nera (ora bianca) Foto per gentile concessione di Glenn Campbell
Poiché lo spazio aereo intorno e sopra l'Area 51 è utilizzato per voli di prova e missioni di addestramento, è del tutto possibile (e anche probabile) che vedrai degli aerei volare in alto. A volte quell'aereo potrebbe essere esotico, forse anche non identificabile per l'occhio inesperto. Anche gli aerei familiari potrebbero ingannarti nel pensare di aver visto qualcosa che non appartiene a questa Terra.
Gli scettici sottolineano che molti avvistamenti UFO riportati coincidono convenientemente con l'arrivo giornaliero programmato dei voli Janet alla base. Molti dei progetti precedentemente classificati nell'Area 51 sembrano davvero ultraterreni. Gli UAV in particolare sembrano strani, in quanto non richiedono un pozzetto o porte. Inoltre, molti esercizi di addestramento utilizzano razzi luminosi per attirare il fuoco dei missili o anche solo per distrarre gli spettatori mentre gli aerei segreti eseguono manovre.
Un luogo popolare per osservare gli UFO è la "Black Mailbox" sulla Nevada Highway 375 (nota anche come Extraterrestrial Highway). La cassetta della posta appartiene a un allevatore locale ed è diventata famosa quando Robert Lazar ha detto che era il luogo in cui avrebbe portato le persone per guardare i voli di prova programmati di astronavi aliene. Oggi, la cassetta delle lettere è stata ridipinta di bianco e l'allevatore ha detto molte volte che non crede che nessuna delle navi che volano sopra sia di origine aliena [fonte:Powers].
Nella sezione successiva, esamineremo alcune delle controversie che circondano l'Area 51.
Polemiche all'Area 51
I lavoratori dell'Area 51 hanno dovuto sopportare condizioni difficili sin dai primi giorni della struttura. Negli anni Cinquanta, quando il fulcro della base stava testando l'aereo spia U-2, la CIA ha dovuto cessare le operazioni ed evacuare la struttura a causa di test nucleari nelle vicinanze nel vicino Nevada Test Site (NTS). A volte la Commissione per l'energia atomica (AEC) annunciava i test prima del previsto per consentire ai residenti nelle vicinanze di evacuare se lo ritenessero necessario, ma altre volte le prove sarebbero rimaste senza preavviso. I risultati di questi test potevano essere visti da città a 100 miglia (161 chilometri) di distanza. Le persone a Las Vegas organizzavano spesso viaggi alle vette vicine e picnic in vista delle nuvole di funghi.
Nel 1957, uno di questi test chiamato HOOD faceva parte di un programma generale chiamato Operazione Plumbbob, che è stato progettato per vedere se le bombe nucleari danneggiate emettevano livelli dannosi di radioattività. L'AEC ha fatto esplodere un ordigno nucleare da 74 chilotoni 1, 500 piedi (457 metri) sull'area 9 dell'NTS. Questa è stata la più potente esplosione aerea mai esplosa negli Stati Uniti continentali [fonte:Dipartimento dell'Energia]. L'AEC non ha annunciato il test in anticipo, anche se hanno detto all'Area 51 di evacuare in anticipo. L'esplosione risultante ha causato alcuni danni minori all'Area 51, principalmente alcune finestre e porte rotte. Le radiazioni erano una preoccupazione molto più grande, e, infatti, il suolo nell'Area 51 ha assorbito molte radiazioni in anni di test nucleari.
Pulizia dell'area 51
Nel 1980, il governo ha autorizzato un programma per rimuovere il suolo irradiato intorno al lago Groom. Le foto satellitari confermano che gli equipaggi hanno rimosso enormi quantità di sporco dall'area. Le città circostanti hanno riportato aumenti dei tassi di cancro e molti hanno citato in giudizio il governo (con vari gradi di successo), sostenendo che i test li hanno fatti ammalare.
Un altro pericolo nell'Area 51 ha riguardato lo smaltimento di tecnologia e veicoli classificati. Negli anni '80, gli equipaggi dell'Area 51 hanno scavato alla grande, pozzi aperti e vi hanno scaricato materiali tossici. Hanno bruciato i materiali usando carburante per aerei e hanno subito l'esposizione a sostanze chimiche e fumi [fonte:Jacobs].
According to a lawsuit filed against several government officials, the workers requested safety equipment such as breathing masks, but were denied due to budgetary concerns. When they asked if they might bring their own equipment, their superiors told them that for security reasons they could not bring outside equipment into the base, except gloves. Several civilian employees became sick from the exposure -- two eventually died. Helen Frost, the widow of Area 51 employee Robert Frost, and several Groom Lake employees worked with attorney Jonathan Turley to file the lawsuit [source:Jacobs].
One interesting item from the lawsuit that has since caused a big stir in Area 51 circles is the submission of an unclassified security manual into evidence. Turley argued that the manual not only proved the base existed, it also proved the government was aware of the dangers of handling hazardous waste and acted with negligence toward the employees at Area 51. The government retroactively classified the security manual, and Judge Philip Pro didn't allow it as evidence [source:Jacobs]. Some claim the manual to be a fake, though if this is the case it raises a question -- why would the government declare a fake document to be classified information?
President Bill Clinton signed an executive order in September 1995 exempting Area 51 from disclosure of the results of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) investigations of the site. The order referred to Area 51 as "the Air Force's operating location near Groom Lake, Nevada." Judge Pro eventually dismissed the lawsuit on the grounds that investigation into the claims constituted a breach of national security. Turley argued that this set a dangerous precedent in that the government could now hide crimes through the excuse of national security [source:Jacobs]. The policy relieved the government of accountability to the people it represents.
Area 51 still allows the EPA to inspect the facility to ensure it meets environmental requirements. Però, all reports are classified and can't be published. Many argue that without publication of the results, the facility remains unaccountable. Clinton's executive order permits the reports to remain sealed, despite the fact that the law requires all such reports be made available to the public. The president must renew the order each year, and as of 2013, that's still the case.
Nella sezione successiva, we'll look at the town of Rachel, Nev., which has received more than its share of attention as the closest town to Area 51.
The Truth is Out There Area 51 is the most well-known secret facility ever created. It's been an important setting for numerous novels, films, television shows, video games and music. But two examples stand out as being particularly important. The long-running TV show "The X-Files" and the hit movie "Independence Day" both followed UFOlogists' theories about the real purpose of the base .
Living in the Shadow of Area 51 " " Pat and Joe Travis, owners of the Little A'Le'Inn, posed in front of their motel in Rachel, Nev., in 1996. James Aylott/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
You might think that living close to a place like Area 51 could make you a little strange. A visit to Rachel, Nev., might just change your suspicion to certainty. The town is populated by 54 people (according to the 2010 census), most of whom have a strong sense of independence and more than a touch of eccentricity.
According to former Rachel resident Glenn Campbell, Rachel's documented history began on March 22, 1978, at 5:45 p.m. Not many towns can narrow down their origins so precisely. Campbell points out that on that date, power companies first supplied the Sand Springs Valley with electricity. Before this momentous occasion, only a few hardy farmers and a mining company occupied the valley [source:Campbell and Grover].
Negli anni '70, small numbers of people with a pioneering spirit and desire to live their lives free of interference began to settle the valley. One of those families was the Joneses, who became famous in their small community upon the birth of Rachel Jones, the first child born in the valley. The loose community felt the name Sand Springs lacked distinction and Rachel's birth marked an important event in the town's history. So they named the town Rachel. The Joneses didn't stick around much longer, and sadly, Rachel passed away from a respiratory ailment at the age of 3 [source:Campbell and Grover].
There's very little to see in Rachel, but it does feature a motel and bar called the Little A'Le'Inn (get it?), a Baptist church and a senior center and thrift store.
Rachel is home to several interesting characters, many of whom have pet theories about Area 51. A few work for the Air Force, though that's about as much information as you'll get from them. Pat and Joe Travis run the Little A'Le'Inn and have made a business out of selling T-shirts and alien-themed souvenirs. Ancora, most of the people in Rachel will tell you they don't think the UFOs are anything other than flares, UAVs or military aircraft on training missions.
Glenn Campbell established the Area 51 Research Center. He would often go to a lookout spot he named Freedom Ridge where he could legally view the facility from several miles away. Campbell wrote a newsletter called the Desert Rat, keeping people up-to-date on activities at the base. He campaigned against what he considered to be excessive government secrecy, arguing that the government was creating an environment of mistrust with the public. He also created a Web site that linked to dozens of news stories and timelines about the base. Although he no longer updates the site, it's still available for you to explore. Campbell has since moved on from his focus on the secret base and no longer lives in Rachel.
The residents of Rachel seem to treat interest in their community with bemused patience. To them, sonic booms in the middle of the night and bright light shows are all normal, everyday events. Just about everyone in the valley has had to replace a window cracked by a sonic boom or held a piece of airplane wreckage (Area 51's history includes several spectacular crashes).
Nella sezione successiva, we'll look at a timeline for Area 51 from its founding to the present.
A Brief History of Area 51
Durante la seconda guerra mondiale, the Army Air Corps (precursor to our modern Air Force) built several runways in Nevada, including a pair of small runways at Groom Lake. They named the spot the Army Air Corps Gunnery School. After the 1940s, the runways were abandoned [source:Mahood].
In the early 1950s, the CIA entered a partnership with Lockheed to develop high altitude aircraft to use in surveillance missions. Clarence "Kelly" Johnson of Lockheed helmed the project. He formed a department of engineers and test pilots that eventually took on the name Skunk Works . The Skunk Works department was famous for being very secretive and nearly fanatical in the pursuit of their goals.
The CIA and Johnson both knew that secrecy was critical to their success, and so Johnson needed to find a location to develop and test secret aircraft. He wanted a location that was remote enough to avoid notice, yet still close enough to a major city so that supplying the facility would not be a monumental task. The site would need to be easily accessible by aircraft and out of the way of commercial and military flight paths. It would also need space to house a sizable force of military and civilian employees.
Nel 1955, he traveled to Nevada with test pilot Tony LeVier, special assistant to the CIA director, Richard Bissell and Air Force liaison, Col. Osmond Ritland, to find a good place to use as a base of operations for test flights. Ritland trained at the Gunnery School and told Johnson about it. Johnson decided the location was ideal for their operations [source:Merlin].
Johnson named the area "Paradise Ranch" as a way to encourage workers to move there. Eventually it was just called "The Ranch."
Four months later, crews completed the initial construction. U-2 test flights began and President Dwight Eisenhower signed an executive order restricting the airspace over Groom Lake. The CIA, the Atomic Energy Commission and Lockheed oversaw base operations. Infine, control of the base would pass to the Department of Energy and the Air Force.
Roswell Versus Area 51 While Area 51 and Roswell are often mentioned in the same breath, the two locations are pretty far from each other. Roswell is in New Mexico and, according to Google Maps, is 891 miles (1, 433 kilometers) away from Area 51. The trip would take you more than 15 hours to get there by car, and by most reports it's not a very exciting drive.
A Time Line of Events at Area 51
The following is a time line beginning soon after Area 51's construction [sources:Mahood, Merlino, Collins, Jacobsen]:
1957: The AEC distributes "Background Information on Nevada Nuclear Tests" to the press. The booklet describes a small base at Groom Lake called the Watertown Project. The booklet claimed the facility was part of a project to study weather.
1961: The restricted airspace expands upward, but not outward -- it measures 5 by 9 nautical miles (9 by 17 kilometers) in size, but extends up to space and is designated R-4808N. Un anno dopo, the Department of the Air Force expands the space again, but this time the perimeter grows to 22 by 20 nautical miles. (41 by 37 kilometers). This forms the "Groom Box, " or just "the Box, " as it is known today. No flights, whether commercial or military, are allowed in the restricted space (except the test flights from the base itself).
1962: The first A-12 arrives at Groom Lake. The first test flight takes place two months after the aircraft's arrival to the base. CIA pilots arrive at the base nearly a year later to begin flight training.
1967: The first MiG 21, a Soviet aircraft, arrives at Groom Lake. Officials name the testing program of MiG aircraft "Have Doughnut." Some pilots begin to call the restricted airspace above Groom Lake "Red Square."
1977: Years before the public became aware of the Stealth Fighter, the first F-117A prototype arrives at Area 51. It's called the "Have Blue."
1982: The first flight of the vehicle known as "Tacit Blue" takes place at Groom Lake. Like the F-117A, Tacit Blue is a stealth vehicle.
1984: The base petitions for an additional 89, 000 acres of land to increase the size of restricted space around the facility. Guards forbid the public from entering this area before it is officially withdrawn, raising concern and criticism of illegality from locals and tourists. The land request is approved by Congress three years later.
1988: A Soviet satellite photographs Area 51. Popular Science magazine runs the photograph, giving most U.S. citizens their first chance to glimpse the secret base.
1989: Robert Frost, a civilian employee at Area 51, dies. An autopsy shows that his body contained high levels of dangerous chemicals like dioxin and dibenzofuran. His widow, Helen, and other affected workers, file a lawsuit against several government officials, in 1994. Frost claims her husband died as a result of exposure to dangerous chemicals.
1989: Robert Lazar appears on television and claims to have worked on reverse engineering alien technology at a site not far from Groom Lake.
1995: Area 51 acquires two locations popular with tourists and curious locals, Freedom Ridge and White Sides Peak, and closes them to the public. President Clinton signs an executive order exempting Area 51 from legislation and investigation in order to preserve national security.
1996: Nevada names Route 375, formerly known as the "loneliest highway in America, " the "Extraterrestrial Highway." Skeptics around the world groan in unison.
2007: It appears that crews are building a new hangar, much larger than the existing hangar. One Web site claims the hangar's size to be 200 by 500 feet (61 by 152 meters) and 100 feet tall (30 meters).
2009: Several former Area 51 staffers, including two former military test pilots, described their work at the site.
2013: Area 51 is identified by that name for the first time in declassified CIA documents, though all operations at the facility are still kept secret. No mention is made of aliens in the documents.
2017: The New York Times reported that between 2007 and 2012, the Pentagon spent $22 million annually to study UFOs at the request of Senate majority leader Harry Reid. The program ended when funding dried up.
2019 :Over 1 million people signed up to a joke Facebook event calling for folks to raid Area 51 and "see them aliens." The Air Force was not amused, reminding would-be raiders that "[Area 51] is an open training range for the U.S. Air Force, " according to the Washington Post.
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